Sexuality is an Ancient Technology

I see sexuality as an ancient technology. The more I consciously traverse through spaces of deep eroticism, both within myself and with another person, the more I discover that sex it is not about an end goal of climax.

It is instead a container of energetic potential that we create together, through an interplay of magnetism and repulsion. When we are able to remain present and hold this energetic space, without collapsing into the desire to merge as One, or getting blown out by the intensity of the sensation, we can create things.

Our sexual energy is our creative potential. When we combine thought, with intention, and fuel it with the propulsive energy of desire and orgasmic energy--that is the makings of Life.

We can create babes through sex, and so we can also create worlds. We can birth future realities through holding a collective vision as we consciously and connectedly love-make it into existence.

And it requires presence, ownership, a claiming, a deep realization of our ability to CHOOSE our reality. Our voice, our truth, our focus, has impact.

This is an invitation to come into a new and profound level of presence.

It is an invitation to enter into a deep embodiment of our creative potential--of our creator consciousness. It is a destigmatization of pleasure of the most high and sacred order.

I am the student. I am the teacher.

I am the game-maker. I am the game-player.