To the Women Who Have Sex with Men

To the women who receive men's erections inside of them...

If you knew your body was an expression of Mother Earth, how would that shift the way you receive a man inside you?

I know, for myself, I spent so much of my young adult life, my early "sexual career" so to speak, allowing men to penetrate me before my body was ready to receive them.

I was afraid to say no.
I was afraid to prioritize and listen to the wisdom of my body.
I was afraid that if I "made things complicated", if I slowed things down too much, that he would become frustrated, turned off, disinterested.

So instead, I allowed myself to be penetrated without my body's full yes--before she was ready to fully receive a man's erection.

I didn't value myself. I didn't value the wisdom that existed deep within me, that if I had prioritized the messages of my body, I could have invited the man I was with into a deeper relationship not only with me, but with himself.

Man doesn't know, you see. He does not have our body, he does not have a womb. He is not attuned to the Feminine mysteries in the ways that we as women are.

So I ask you again, if you knew your body was an expression of Mother Earth, how would that shift the way you receive a man inside you?

Because our Mother Earth is being violated right now, you see. She is being penetrated without consent. Her soil is dry, and yet man-made constructions are penetrating her none the less.

They are not asking her permission, they are not attuning with the willingness and receptiveness of her body. They are simply taking.

And they do not understand, you see. They are not attuned to the rhythms of the earth as we are. We must teach them. We must remind them of who they are, of what they are doing.

And we can teach them through the vessel of our bodies, for we are the womb. We are the womb of mother earth.

Every time you invite a man to slow down his thrusts. Every time you invite a man to go slower, to dial in his sensitivity, to attune to the energy and readiness you are or aren't are being of service to Mother Earth.

Mother Earth needs you, not just to care for her, but to care for yourself. Because if you do not value yourself, your body, your womb, then how can you care for her? Because you are an expression of her!

This does not mean that you must carry the weight for men, it simply means that you must find your voice in the places where you have gone silent.

It means you must check back in to your body, even though it has seemed safer and more comfortable to check out.

It means that you must remember that power, wisdom, and medicine that exists in your body, in your soul, in your sex.

Society told us that men had the answers, and I tell you right now that men cannot thrive without women. The Masculine cannot thrive without the Feminine.

It is time to rise from princess to queen, take up our rightful places on our thrones, so we can help our princes become kings. We serve each other. It is the only way.