How Can I Make Sure Love Stays?

But if I do not control,
how can I make sure
that love stays?

And if I do not consistently
remind love of my presence,
how will it know I am here?

What if love forgets me?
What if love finds someone else...

more worthy,
more timely,
more beautiful?

"Oh my love", 
the Universe says...

I tell you now
that love is not 
what you think.

Love is not found
in a person
or a place.

Love cannot be taken away
nor can it disappear.

Love is always with you,
so there is no need to fear.

So soften your gaze my darling,
for love is the forrest through the trees.

So let go my love,
come back to your breath
and into your heart.

For I send you love
as the sun on your back
and in the air that you breathe.