4-Month Men’s Leadership Mastermind

For Male Teachers, Facilitators, CEOs, & Visionary Entrepreneurs

Unleash Your Passion, Potency, & Purpose-Driven Truth in the World ~ While Being Known as a Deeply Safe, Attuned, & Trustworthy Leader



Learn a tantric approach to leadership, integrity, and energetic mastery that draws a parallel between how you show up as a leader with how you show up as a lover.
— Arielle Brown, founder of CHANNEL


If you’ve been asking yourself:

  • How do I stay grounded in my truth, power, and creative channel as a leader without becoming rigid, reactive, or guarded against the world around me?

  • How can I be a sexually embodied man who is also a safe and trustworthy leader?

  • How do I open to receive feedback (both criticism and praise) without caving in on myself in shame, or taking on perspectives/projections that aren’t actually rooted in truth?

  • How can I be an ally to women and the trauma they carry around men as a male leader without abandoning myself or invalidating my own experience?

  • How do I let myself be the mother-f*ckin’ rockstar that I am without letting it go to my head?


Welcome to CHANNEL

Weekly LIVE Group Mentorship Calls + Tailored Curriculum
Held Online via Zoom + Private Community Portal
September 6th - December 20th

~ Open to 12 Male Visionary Leaders ~
By Application & Interview



You’re here to bring forward a powerful and unique transmission of truth into the world. 

Through your leadership, your art, your mission-driven business, your group facilitation or guide-work, your teachings in the realms of community, empowerment, health, and/or sacred sexuality... 

…you are a carrier of wisdom codes in service to the healing and awakening of human consciousness.

Your integrity is deeply important to you.

You’re devoted to doing the work necessary to a clear conduit of truth.

And, you are also here to love (and be loved) deeply, powerfully, and fully.

To breathe fully into your humanity and erotic aliveness. To lead with your open heart and authentic desire because you trust yourself deeply and no longer what to hide the truth of who you are.

The is the place where your leadership, your purpose-driven truth, and your eros intersect.

So that you can be a clear and grounded channel for wisdom to flow through.


Perhaps you’re…

  • A teacher or facilitator in the realms of intimacy, men’s work, and/or sacred sexuality, and you want to cultivate greater energetic mastery in how you navigate distorted patterns of relating between men and women, so you can be an ally and catalyst for healing kinship between genders.

  • A facilitator in medicine work or leader of a conscious community navigating how to dismantle systems of oppression and/or the guru complex between leader/community member, while also desiring to show up fully in your power, purpose, & transmission of spiritual wisdom.

  • A thought leader, content creator, or mission-driven entrepreneur with a large social media audience sharing polarizing/controversial perspectives, and you want to expand your capacity to hold the energy your message attracts (e.g. skillfully navigating the landmines of cancel culture & projections) so you don’t cave into diluting your message or potency to appease your audience.

  • A performing artist, embodiment teacher, or practitioner in the realms of yoga, breath-work, dance, and/or sound navigating how to bring forward your offerings in an authentic and liberated way without falling prey to people's projections/fantasies/pedestalizations.

  • Not in any formal position of leadership and simply want to lead your own life from a deeply powerful, connected, loving way that honors the man you are and those you touch as you walk this path of being an embodied awake human on this planet.


“Arielle is one of the most trustworthy humans and masterful facilitators I know.
Her capacity for self-reflection, attunement, as well as her high level shadow detection skills make her an incredible ally for anyone wanting level up their integrity game. I would recommend any of her programs or coaching containers in a heart beat”. - Steven Seva Roland, Co-Founder of Relationflix

The Challenge?

If you’re a purpose-driven male leader, you’re also likely navigating…

  • Unrealistic de-humanizing standards of being a “picture-perfect leader that have you feel like you need to hide “less-evolved” aspects of your authentic self, do the “right thing” and be confident all the time, and/or suppress any part of you that might be perceived as a sexual or erotic being with desires that could threaten your “trustworthiness” as a leader.

  • How to be a man in power (especially in spiritual communities) post #metoo movement when there is still so much unresolved wounding & distrust from women about how men have wielded power in the past, and you often find yourself walking on eggshells with your truth and leadership because you don’t want to be accused of being a violator, oppressor, or causing harm.

  • How to be an open-hearted man connected to your authentic needs, feelings, and desires when it comes to intimacy, sexuality, and human connection amidst a culture that tells men it’s not “manly” or “masculine” to reveal your feelings, sensitivity, uncertainty, or vulnerability.

  • Your actions and leadership on display in front of dozens, hundreds, thousands of people at any given time–exponentially increasing the intensity of energy, charge, and potential trauma you’re required to navigate and alchemize real-time so you can hold a powerful, compassionate, neutral space for others in their own healing/awakening process.


Through focused mentorship, guided group inquiry, & peer-to-peer practice, we’ll address common initiatory pillars in leadership that can compromise the integrity of your CHANNEL:

  1. Fear of causing harm, misusing our power, or being perceived as an unsafe space.

  2. Wounding or lack of integration in our sexuality, erotic energy, and how we hold attraction & desire.

  3. Fear of being judged, attacked, pedestalized, or villanized for your perspectives.

  4. Attachment to control, outcome, or being perceived as “right”, “good”, “spiritual”, or “perfect”.


⚡️ Welcome to CHANNEL ⚡️

A 4-Month Mastermind for Men Cultivating Exquisite Attunement and Skillful Penetration in Your Leadership, Lovership, & Unique Transmission of Truth in the World

September 6th - December 20th
LIVE Group Calls are Wednesdays @ 12pm-2pm PST

(**Important Call Time Exception: On 9/20 only, our Group Call will be 9:30am-11:30am PST**)

What’s Included:

1. LIVE Group Q&A Mentorship Calls + Play/Practice Labs
Engage in 4 x 2-hour live group calls each month. Ranging from LIVE teaching transmissions, Group Q&A Mentorship Calls, Interactive Peer-to-Peer Practice/Play Labs.
**All LIVE Calls are Held via Zoom**
Please note all calls will be recorded so you can watch the replay if you can’t attend LIVE.

2. Integration Practices & Prompts
Receive weekly practices, writing prompts, and meditations that will support your embodiment, integration, and energetic mastery of the material.

3. HOLY DESIRE Self-Paced Curriculum
HOLY DESIRE is a 7-module curriculum for skillfully navigating truth, sexuality, and desire in intimate relationship. Focused on healing dynamics between men and women, HD offers an approach to cultivating an integrated relationship with our sexual life force energy so we can create healthy relational ecosystems rooted in embracing each other as Sacred Kin on the Path of remembering.
*Please note you receive the video modules only (not the LIVE calls described on the HD page).

4. Online Private Community Portal:
Between LIVE group calls our leadership cohort will be housed on Mighty Networks for on-going interaction and deepening intimacy as a group, share your process, ask deeper questions. All LIVE call recordings will be uploaded to our online portal.

5. A Community & Council of Allies:
One of the most valuable aspects of this mastermind is the community of friends, allies, and collaborators you’ll create deep intimacy, trust, and powerful relationship with.

6. Special Topics Class: “Race, Sexuality, & Leadership”
Taught by Aaron Johnson, founder of Holistic Resistance & CUT Project.

Please note: Your privacy, trust, and confidentiality are deeply important, and will be held
with the utmost care and integrity in this container.


Your Investment Options:

Early Bird Payment Plan: $1111/month for 4 months (ends 8/2)
Early Bird Pay Up Front: $4000 (ends 8/2)

Regular Price Early Bird: $1222/month for 4 months (after 8/2)
Regular Price Pay In Full: $4444 (after 8/2)

Limited to 12 Visionary Men.
Feeling the call to join us?

Click below to apply and schedule a 30-min video interview with Arielle.

Please read the Terms & Conditions that apply upon enrollment.


“I was recently enrolled in Holy Desire with Arielle Brown guiding the group. This program delivered Far More than I dreamt was possible as far as advancing me towards my authentic purpose in life. To be honest, I had lost all faith in Love and relationships… I couldn’t have proven myself any more wrong! 

Arielle’s work taught me how to reconnect with myself… Deep down inside of myself. Arielle guided me to my troubled issues and allowed me to FINALLY deal with emotions that were handled poorly in my past, when I was doing what I needed to survive. I WANTED the healing… I wanted to stop making the same mistakes, time and time again. The healing continues to happen for me, long after the course has finished…

I was also hired (under apprenticeship) in a totally different career! FOR Real! I never expected THAT to happen! Holy Desire opened my mind to a Whole New Vision of the Future. Holy Desire opened my life to my True Purpose, and THAT’s a really good way to feel. FIVE Stars… Now, it’s Your Turn! Enroll in a course with Arielle Brown Today!” - D. Gellings


“There’s not a single area of my life that wasn’t profoundly touched by the change I’ve experienced through my work with Arielle. I know what direction I want to take my career and relationships, not by the words I’m stringing together in my head, but how it feels in my body. I know within a minute or two if a potential client or vendor is someone I want to work with. For the first time, I’m able to own my own desires, let go of outcomes, and simply be in the present moment. Arielle helped me find that source of grounded presence in myself, and more importantly, what it feels like. Now I carry that energy with me into every interaction, every connection, every conversation I have”. Matthew P, Moon Fabrications Founder


CHANNEL Curriculum

My teaching style is deeply intuitive and the curriculum is emergent based upon the unique medicine each mastermind participant brings into the container. Most teaching transmissions are not planned until the week the are taught in order to honor what’s most alive and needed in the group field.

Each month in THE CHANNEL will have a focus, and our LIVE group Q&A calls and dojo-style practice labs will be designed to deepen in relationship with our monthly theme.

Below is an example of the types of topics we’ll explore in CHANNEL.
It is likely they will shift and evolve as we enter into the container.



Tantric Leadership & Embodied Truth-Speaking
Release self-protective tendencies that cause rigidity or reactivity and disconnect you from the present. Incoroporate a more embodied, dynamic, intuitive, approach to leadership that allows you to transmute distortions that don’t vibrate at the frequency we are in service.

Cultivating Your Energetic Container
Masculine & Feminine Polarity Integration (and Exaltation) within the Self as a baseline for staying grounded in your channel as you navigate energy/perspectives/realities that exist outside of you.

Power, Visibility, & Expanding Our Capacity to Hold Sensation
Grounding into deeper self-trust and integrity as we expand our reach and channel more spiritual energy.
How to navigate charge in your own system as you’re met with polarizing, distorted, trauma-led, or reactive responses from the world/people around you so you can meet it with clarity, compassion, and presence.

Meeting Our Hunger: Integrating Our Sexuality & Desire as Leaders
How to lead with our authentic aliveness and integrated sexuality in a deeply wholesome and embodied way, that allows us to be a deeply safe, permissive, trustworthy space.

Intimacy Dynamics Between Men & Women in Culture
Addressing distorted dynamics of sexuality and power between men and women and how that impacts leadership, space-holding, and community. We’ll also explore how to specifically address women’s trauma with men and how to navigate and help transmute wounded Feminine in women from a place of allyship.

The Spectrum of Consciousness: Victim to Creator
Deepen your ability to discern where an individual is at in their own consciousness and embodiment and discern where you carry wounds or blindspots that bring you into reactivity/fear/trauma/victim.

The Spectrum of Truths : Personal, Collective, & Spiritual
Holding paradox and being able to discern different levels of truth so we can have compassion for different perspectives while being clear on what we align with.

Attunement & Receptivity to the Group Field
Embodying meta awareness in group spaces so you can engage in group spaces you hold, communities you’re a part of, and your social media following from a place of power, discernment, connection, and intentionality.


Your Investment Options:

Early Bird Payment Plan: $1111/month for 4 months (8/2)
Early Bird Pay Up Front:
$4000 (ends 8/2)

Regular Price Early Bird: $1222/month for 4 months (after 8/2)
Regular Price Pay In Full: $4444 (after 8/2)

Limited to 12 Visionary Men.
Feeling the call to join us?

Click below to apply and schedule a 30-min video interview with Arielle.


“I joined ATTUNE (one of Arielle’s groups) to learn how to more widely trust my relationships with men and to hear/receive radically honest feedback from a female facilitator who can “go there” with us in alive and even uncomfortable areas like money, sex, fantasy, intimacy, and fear. Arielle, and the group, did not disappoint. The experience provided opportunities for me to share my own breakdowns and breakthroughs and feel understood and encouraged while simultaneously feeling and hearing the other men in their own authentic places—to move through and beyond gender stereotypes, shame and the vital energy of intimate connection. It is an opportunity to connect with other growth-oriented people in an honest, non-competitive container...just people being real, vulnerable and supportive around the things that inspire and/or provoke us. I highly recommend Arielle's groups for anyone who is ready to get radically honest about himself, and breakthrough to new ways of being”. - Kai


A Permissive Space to Cultivate Your Power, Integrity, & Aliveness 💫

Hello, Brother on the Path. My name is Arielle.

I want you to know, as a woman and a sister on the path, I deeply desire to receive you in your truth, love, power, and potency as a leader in this world.

This world needs your medicine. We need your leadership, your sight, and stewardship of the Sacred.

I can feel how deeply you desire to bring all of yourself forward in your work, in your service. I can feel the passion that exists within you longing to be expressed.

And, I can also feel the part of you that is holding back. The part of you that fears that you are too much, that you’ll be attacked, that you’ll cause harm, that you’ll be misunderstood, and that it’s not safe to bring your full self, potency, or aliveness into your leadership.

And the thing is, your hesitancy is warranted. There’s a lot of wounding, sensitivity, and residual distrust that exists culture right now around men in leadership because of how power, privilege, and sexuality has been misued by men in our cultural past.

And if you’re drawn to this mastermind, you’re likely here because you’re a stand for a different way of being in the world rooted in honor, integrity, and trust.

AND, you’re still human. You’re grappling with your own relationship to power, sexuality, desire––and how you walk with those energies in humanity and integrity as a leader.

You’re navigating how to be a master of your emotions, your energy, and your sensuality in a world that has told you men are not “supposed” to be sensitive, vulnerable, or feel…

…when in reality it is your sensitivity and your ability to feel, receive, and attune to the world around you that is the access point into your greatest potential as a thought leader and way-shower.

You don’t have to sterilize your humanity to be trustworthy. In fact, it’s actually the integration of your emotionality, your sexuality, and your primal humanity that makes you a trustworthy leader.

This is about the welcoming and integration of your Feminine energy.

The the part of you that feels deeply. To the part of you passionately longs and hungers for your purpose, for connection. The part of you that is deeply tuned in to the invisible subtle energies that are constantly apply in every interaction and dynamic that you are a part of…

…so that you can be an attuned, embodied, permissive space of power and healing transformation.

Integrating your Feminine polarity is the key to embodying your Masculine potency.

How you love is how you lead. And this mastermind is about bringing you into deep integrity with how you give (Masculine) and receive (Feminine) truth/love/power in the world…

…so that you can trust yourself to fully embody your power, potency, and aliveness in your work because you’re not worried you’re going to cause harm in the process.

This is about deeply knowing yourself so that you can deeply trust yourself as a leader and way shower in your life, your purpose-work, and all of your relationships.

And I am here in service to you as a woman devoted to reminding you (and helping to attune) you to your greatness, which is ultimately the frequency of truth that is longing to flow through you as a leader, lover, and wayshower in this lifetime.


“I was drawn to Arielle because I knew I was playing it safe and wanted support to have more courage to ask for what I wanted. I wanted to feel the fullness of my masculinity, unapologetically. And at the same time allow my more feminine, expressive side to show itself too, without fear or shame. I was hungry to bring ALL of me.  

Our work tapped into MORE of my life force energy that also spills over into my career. I have never had more abundance in my life, at all levels. Our work together has been a big part of getting me on this frequency. I have never been more comfortable in my own skin and confident about my ability to manifest in the world.     

I have never been more confident in myself and in my relationships with women. I am not afraid to ask for what I want. I realize that being more honest, more open, more direct is a total turn on. 

I’m breaking old habits and patterns in my dynamics with women (and also with money).  I am clearer with my boundaries, better attuned to my YES (and my no) and more comfortable speaking up.   

I really haven’t experienced anything like it. It has positively impacted my life in exponentially valuable ways that I will carry with me forever. I’m truly eternally grateful for you”.  - Tom B, Entrepreneur & Father


Ready to join CHANNEL?
Limited to 12 Visionary Leaders.

Click below to apply and schedule a 30-min video interview with Arielle.



“I’ve never been so genuinely witnessed and validated in my life! Arielle is able to see and reflect my potential and the good I am doing in the world--giving me life confirming language to keep being the best ME I already am! My life has been Supercharged. My understanding of my world has shifted in mind blowing ways and I still have 4 weeks left on my first 3 month contract with her. Arielle, thank You for lighting my path, back to me. Arielle, you are a harpist. It’s like you find a dusty cord and you pluck it one week. When I come back the next week that cord is shiny and we puck another and another. I already walk taller, smile bigger and see my light radiating again. I just can’t say how grateful I am for you [Arielle] sharing your gifts in the world”. - Jordan D.


About Arielle

Arielle Brown is teacher, facilitator, writer, and performing artist specializing in tantric leadership, energetic alignment, and authentic embodiment. Her 1:1 client work, group containers, and sonic offerings address increasing needs for evolutionary approaches to love, sexuality, leadership, and community that facilitate healing, allyship, and agency.

She’s been a devoted guide, teacher, & practitioner in the art of intimacy, embodiment, leadership, and sacred sexuality for over a decade. Woven into all of her offerings is a devotion to re-establishing trust & kinship between men and women, and invitation to remember our innocence, wholeness, & connection to the Sacred.

Arielle’s background and lineage has included a variety of different teachers and trainings over the years. She has a B.A. in Clinical Counseling Psychology from Washing College, she’s a graduate of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, and a certified Orgasmic Meditation coach from OneTaste, and is a graduate from the Sacred Future in transformational leadership.

Her most most influential teachers include Nicole Daedone (founder of OneTaste), Chris Bale of Awakened Intent, Perri Chase, Kasia Urbaniak of The Academy, Brig Feltus founder of HEAL THYSELF: A Diversity Intensive for Healers & Life Coaches, and Katherine Zorensky of Technology of Love.

She has also taught on the intersections of sexuality and psychedelic space holding through offerings such as Sex & Psychedelics: The Intersection of Space-Holding, Erotic Energy, & Altered States of Consciousness with Jahan Khamsehzadeh, PhD, hosted by the San Francisco Psychedelic Society (SFPS).

While Arielle’s formal trainings have been integral, she attributes her most important learnings to the direct experience of navigating the medicine journey that is human experience. Ever a seeker or truth, Arielle’s explorations in the realms of intimacy, sexuality, sovereignty, community, and authentic human connection have been her greatest initiations into who she is as a leader and lover now.

Learn more about her background, story, and lineage through her podcast interview page.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Arielle will be holding each of the 2-hour LIVE Group Calls where you can ask questions and receive coaching on whatever is active for you in the course. She will also be checking in to respond to questions and conversations posted in the Mighty Networks group once per day Monday-Friday through the duration of the 4-month container.

    Private messenger support in the form of coaching about mastermind content is not included in the tuition, but if you desire this type of support, that is something you can purchase at an additional cost.

    If you’d like more focused attention from Arielle outside the regular group sessions, you can purchase a 1:1 session with Arielle at a special rate throughout the duration of CHANNEL. You can purchase a 30-minute session or a 60-minute session, held online via Zoom, plus you’ll receive access to the recording.

    For CHANNEL cohort members, 60-minute sessions are $350, and 30-minute sessions are $175. Once the mastermind begins, you can receive a link to purchase a session at this rate with Arielle upon request. These sessions must be utilized by December 20th, 2023.

  • Yes, 100%. More than anything this mastermind is about cultivating the inner landscape and emotional-energetic infrastructure of who you are as a leader in every area of your life.

    Even if you’re not currently “leading” in your work, you’re still leading in your relationships, your life, and your greater community.

    CHANNEL will support you in aligned with your deepest truth and integrity so when you’re ready to step out into the world with your offering, it will help you to know and trust your body of work and the foundation its built upon is coming from an aligned and authentic place.

  • Yes. 100%. CHANNEL is offering a tantric approach to leadership that is significantly focused on the subtle energetics that underly every action you take, not just in your formal leadership, but all of your relationships, and how you show up as a lover.

    Key focus will be brought into integrating who you are as a sexual being, and the way you relate with the power of your desire, into how you show up in your leadership from a deeply attuned, consistent, and masterful place. This is about your embodiment.

    This is about how you feel in your leadership, so that people trust you deeply, and so that you get to experience a depth of ease, pleasure, authenticity, and nourishment in your leadership that perhaps you’ve never experience before.

  • 100 % yes. You could be in the tech space, a car mechanic, a brick and mortar shop owner, the finance or crypto world. This isn’t about your profession. This is about who you are as a leader internally and how you bring that leadership into every aspect of your life.

  • Each week we have a 2-hour LIVE group call. Some weeks there will be a video module for you to watch in advance to prepare for the LIVE class. Some weeks there won’t.

    Sometimes you’ll receive a writing prompt or practice to integrate what we’ve been working with.

    Sometimes, you may want to share pieces of your process or ask questions in our online Mighty Networks community portal.

    So, each week will be different.

    On average, plan to commit 2-3 hours per week to the mastermind.

    If you need to miss a LIVE class, it’s okay. All the calls will be recorded and uploaded to our Mighty Networks group.

  • You’ll have access to the Mighty Networks group and all the video teaching modules and LIVE call recordings for at least 6 months after CHANNEL ends on December 20th, 2023.

  • Mighty Network is an online community platform that allows people to gather and deepen together around topics they’re passionate about. Our CHANNEL video teaching modules, recordings of our LIVE group calls, and all conversation and connection between members will happen inside our Mighty Networks group.

    It’s super easy and intuitive to use, and functions very similarly to a private Facebook Group. The week leading up to the start of CHANNEL, you’ll be added to our Mighty Networks group so you can start watching the material, and connect with other cohort members.

  • Upon purchasing the CHANNEL mastermind, which is execution of the course Agreement, you agrees to pay the full purchase amount.

    There are no refunds to ensure you are fully committed to the Program.

    If you select a payment plan option, you agree to pay fees according to the payment schedule set forth on this website, and the plan selected by you. On a purely human level, you agree to follow though on your word and complete payments of the payment plan even after the course has ended because you value integrity and honoring your word.

A Final Love Note and Evocation from Arielle to those called to CHANNEL… 💫

A leader who is willing to be fallible is a leader I am willing to trust.

I'm not interested in your picture perfect shimmering sh*t-don't-stink spirituality.

I'm not interested in your all white organic designer ceremonial attire...

...or your high vibe it's all grand all the time living my best life persona

...or your politically correct virtue-signaling non-violent communication that sterilizes your essence.

I want to feel your humanity.

I want to feel your vulnerability.

I want to feel your integrated sexuality.

I want to feel the gritty parts you were taught not to share if you want to maintain your status and position.

I want to feel the way you've integrated the chakras that exist from the belly down into your leadership.

I want to feel your devotion to integration over fragmentation.

I want to know how you meet your darkness.

I want to feel how your sensuality has become an embodied space of aliveness for you and others that doesn't involve repression, manipulation, or control.

I want to feel how you embody what you teach.

How you invite others into their power though how you hold yours.

I want to feel how you let go of control when your Ego screams clamp down.

How you restore integrity when it's warranted.

I want to feel how you choose to be connected over being right.

Be human with me.

And then perhaps I will allow you to lead me.

May we all remember who we truly are.

With Love,

Arielle Brown


We begin September 6th. Will you join us?

This is not just about sexuality. This is about flow and abundance in all areas of life, and removing blocks that have held them back. This is about having the courage to really show up fully. This is where you learn to be less afraid and to gain more confidence. This is where you learn about what you really want in intimate connection with a woman (way beyond “sex”). This is where you can really go for it and know that you are held and it is safe. This will impact all areas of your life.
— Previous Client's Reflection on Working with Arielle

© 2023 Arielle Brown, LLC